the “Muslim” ban aka Trump’s intolerance agenda

The “Muslim” ban, is President Trump’s executive order which suspends for 120 days the admission of all refugees, indefinitely bans Syrian refugees, and bars for 90 days the admission of all immigrants and visa-holders from seven predominantly Muslim countries: Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan from entering the United States (US). The chance of an American dying in a terrorist attack within the United States (US) committed by a foreigner over a 41-year period studied was found to be 1 in 3.6 million per year. The chance of an American being murdered in a terrorist attack caused by a refugee is 1 in 3.64 billion per year. The chance of being murdered by a tourist, under the most common tourist visa, is 1 in 3.9 million per year. The number of people killed by terrorists from the seven “banned” countries is 0.

Why are they banned? The reason - that ISIS tells us that they will infiltrate the refugees - but they won’t. It’s harder to get into the US as a refugee than other way and takes at least 18 months. But it works for groups like ISIS if they say this. Firstly, it leads to refugees in these countries being unable to get out. Recruits for members of terror groups are most likely unmarried young men, not employed prior to joining them. In some cases, terrorism is the only choice in failed or failing states to obtain an income or stay alive. The main reasons studies have found for joining terror groups and committing terrorist acts are a result of circumstances and/or pre-existing social bonds. Studies have found that terrorists seek to develop strong affective ties with fellow terrorists, that terrorism appeals to those that are lonely and socially alienated. These reasons were found to be greater indicator than jihad against Western nations. So refugees leaving means less of a pool of potential new members. It is also a gift to ISIS that the US would be isolating Muslims, and in particular Muslims and people in countries that they have helped destroy.

Refugee from the countries “banned” are overwhelming the victims of terror, not terrorists. And not just from within those countries themselves. Along with civil war, the US has completed drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya and Iraq. Yemen has been destabilising since 2001, with US action in Yemen causing destruction, thousands murdered and over 100 injured including civilians and children. In Somalia, it has been reported a US invasion resulted in 20,000 killed and over 2 million homeless. Other US military action in Somalia has led to over 500 killed including civilians and children. The US and allies’ invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a strategic catastrophe and led to the rise of terror groups including the ISIS. In Syria, civil war developed, and groups fighting the government were backed by the US and allies, which led to ISIS in Syria and the destruction of most of the country. The US and Coalition has completed airstrikes of dropping over 65,000 bombs and missiles in Syria, Iraq and Libya which have killed at least 2,300 civilians.

While the US and its citizens might want to put “America first”, two things: one, stop getting involved in the destruction of other countries and then complaining when the innocent people that have been effected apply for refuge; and two, realise that placing a ban on all the people from majority Muslim countries will only make America more unsafe. You can’t make a country safer by creating more enemies. I comprehend terrorism better than many people, I have studied it and I am willing to listen to experts and try and understand it, not just listen to sensationalised scare tactics. I am sick of some media and politicians exposing opinions and making changes to policy and law that make me more unsafe because it suits their agenda to do so. Policy and law should be based on facts and justice and aim to make a society better for those a part of it.

It is not our differences that separate us, it is our inability to recognise that those differences are what makes societies and the world more interesting, exciting and beautiful. To be intolerant to people that are different to you only creates division and animosity. Gandhi said “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit”. Those that are for the ban don’t seem to know anything about Muslims, the countries involved or terrorism. To reject people from certain countries and of a faith you don’t understand is at the highest form of ignorance.

The difference we should be focused on is the difference we can each make in the world.